Note: For updated Guam ICC information, please visit

Note: For updated Guam ICC information, please visit

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Article I

The name of the council shall be the Guam Interagency Coordinating Council (GICC) for Early Intervention Services to Young Children birth to 5 years old, with or at risk for disabilities and Their Families, hereinafter referred to as GICC.


The GICC shall advise and assist the lead agency in the development and implementation of policies constituting the island-wide system of coordinated services, participating public and private agencies who are involved with Early Intervention Services for Children, birth through five years old and their Families.


Section 1: The GICC shall advise, assist, and recommend major policy changes and directions to the lead agency (Guam Public School System (GPSS) in:

a. Performance of the responsibilities set out in P.L. 108 - ---- and its regulations to Part Part C Federal Register.

b. Identifying the sources of funding and other support services for early intervintervention programs.

c. Assigning financial responsibility to the appropriate agency.

d. Promoting interagency agreements and collaboration.

Section 2: The GICC shall advise and assist the lead agency in the preparation of applications and amendment of funds (as the need arises).
Section 3: The GICC shall advise and assist GPSS regarding the transition of toddlers with disabilities to preschool and other appropriate services.
Section 4: The GICC shall prepare and submit an annual performance report to the Governor and to the Secretary of Education on the Status of Early Intervention Services and Support for Infants and Toddlers and their Families eligible under Part C of the Act on Guam.
Section 5: The GICC shall advice and assist the lead agency in the development and implementation of policies constituting the island-wide system by:

a. Establishing a process for gathering information from service coordinators, parents and otherothers about any policies that impede timely service delivery.

b. Taking steps to ensure that any problems in policies identified under a) of this section are resolvresolved.

Section 6: The GICC shall to the extent appropriate, assist the leader agency in the resolution of disputes.
Section 7: The GICC shall advise and assist the lead agency regarding the provision of appropriate inclusive services for children birth to 5 years of age.
Section 8: The GICC shall advise appropriate agencies in Guam with respect to the Integration of services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities or at-risk infants and toddlers and their families.
Section 9: The GICC shall, subject to the approval of the Governor, prepare and approve a budget using funds under this part to:

*Conduct hearings and forums;

*Reimburse members of the council for reasonable and necessary expenses for attending council meetings, and performing council duties (including child care for parent representatives),

*Pay compensation to a member of the council, if the member must forfeit wages from other employment when performing official council business,

*Hire staff, and to obtain the services of such professional, technical, and clerical personnel as may be necessary to carry out its functions under this part.


Section 1: The Governor shall appoint all voting members of the GICC. In making appointments to the GICC, the Governor shall ensure that the membership of the GICC reasonably represents the population of Guam. The GICC will make recommendations of individuals who have sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation on the behalf of such agencies to the Governor concerning appointments.
Section 2: The GICC shall be composed of 21 members including members Representing the following, as identified under Part C regulations, Section 614:

a. PARENTS - Not less than 20 percent of the members shall be parents of infants or toddletoddlers with disabilities or children with disabilities age 12 years or younger, with knowledge of, or experience with, programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Not less than 1 such member shall be a parent of an infant or toddler with a disability or a child with a disability age 6 years or younger.
b. SERVICE PROVIDERS - Not less than 20 percent of the members shall be a public or private provider of early intervention services.
c. STATE LEGISLATURE – One member shall be from the State legislature.
d. PERSONNEL PREPARATION – One member shall be involved in personnel preparation.
e. AGENCY FOR EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES - One member shall be from each of the the State agencies involved in the provision of, or payment for, early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families and shall have sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation on behalf of such agencies.
f. AGENCY FOR PRESCHOOL SERVICES - One member shall be from the State education agency responsible for preschool services to children with disabilities and shall have sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation on behalf of such such agency
g. STATE MEDICAID AGENCY - One member shall be from the agency responsible for the State Medicaid program.
h. HEAD START AGENCY - One member shall be a representative from a Head Start agency or program in the State.
i. CHILD CARE AGENCY - One member shall be a representative from a State agency responsible for childcare.
j. AGENCY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE - One member shall be from the agency responsible for the State regulation of health insurance.
k. OFFICE OF THE COORDINATOR OF EDUCATION OF HOMELESS CHILDREN AND YOUTH - One member shall be a representative designated by the Office of Coordinator for Education of Homeless Children and Youths.
l. STATE FOSTER CARE REPRESENTATIVE - One member shall be a representative from the State child welfare agency responsible for foster care.
m. MENTAL HEALTH AGENCY – One member shall be a representative from the State agency responsible for children's mental health.
Section 3: Only members appointed by the Governor or his/her designee shall have voting privileges.
Section 4: The term of appointment of GICC members shall be for a 4-year term.
Section 5: The Governor shall designate a member of the council to serve as the Chairperson or shall require the GICC to elect Chairperson by voting a parent member and agency member to serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the GICC. Any member of the GICC who is a representative of the lead agency designated under section 635(a)(10) may not serve as a Co-Chairperson of the council.
Section 6. The GICC must recommend to the Governor that a member of the Council be replaced when his/her membership is no longer appropriate or if there has been three (3) consecutive unexcused absences for regular meetings. In event of a vacancy the GICC will submit a nomination to Governor.

Office and Duties

Section 1. Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
The GICC Chairperson or Vice Chair shall be a parent of a child who was or is currently eligible for Part C services.
The term of office for the chairperson and vice chairperson shall be for a two-year period. Every two years, the GICC will elect a vice chairperson and the current vice chairperson becomes the NEW Chairperson for two years.
Should a vacancy in the office of chairperson occur between elections, the vice chairperson fills the vacancy of the Chairperson and an election is held for the vice chairperson.
Responsibility and duties of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson:
1. Assure the scheduling of meetings of the GICC and any committee meetings
2. Appoint committees and hold meetings as necessary.
--a. Standing Committee
----i. Executive Committee
------1. Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
------2. Part C Coordinator
------3. Two members at large
----ii. Policy and Procedures Committee
----iii. Family Involvement Committee
----iv. Special Committee (as needed)
3. Develop meeting agendas.
4. Conduct and facilitates all meetings of the GICC.
5. Coordinate all GICC activities.
6. Supervise support personnel serving the GICC.
7. Develop and maintain the Operational Handbook for council members.
8. Facilitate the development of Guam’s State Plan for Early Intervention Services to Young Children, birth to 5 years, with Disabilities and their Families.
9. Assist in the evaluation of existing programs for infants and toddlers and preschoolers and in the identification of need areas.
10. Work with the GICC and Part C Coordinator in amending and updating local laws concerning Early Intervention Services to Young Children birth to five years, with Disabilities and Their Families.
11. Administer and manage funds allotted to the GICC.
12. Develop and implement an awareness program.
13. Facilitate the development of Personnel Preparation Programs for Early Intervention service providers consistent with the comprehensive system of personnel development is this as outline-------------.
Section 1.1 Vice Chairperson
a. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the responsibility of the Chairperson.
Section 2. Support StaffThe Support Staff of the GICC may be hired by funds assigned to, or administered by, the Council as agreed upon by the lead agency and GICC. The support Staff is responsible for the following duties:
a. To assist the Executive Committee in developing the agenda; write minutes, distribute information; correspond and/or meet with appropriate national and local agencies, maintain a website and other duties as assigned by the GICC.


Section 1. The GICC shall meet at least quarterly and in such places, as it deems necessary. The meetings shall publicly announced and, to the extent appropriate, open and accessible to the general public.
Section 2. The Chairperson in cooperation with the GICC shall determine the time and place of regular meetings. The chairperson as necessary may call special meetings.

Conduct of Business

Section 1. A quorum of the GICC shall consist of a majority (50% + 1) of appointed members or their designee and at least one parent member.
Section 2. A member so requesting shall have his or her vote recorded in the minutes, or upon request of a member, the vote of each member shall be recorded. If the member is unable to attend, his or her vote may be provided in written form.
Section 3: No GICC member shall cast a vote on any matter, which would provide direct financial benefit to that member or otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest under Guam law. Members shall be required to disclose conflicts as they arise in discussion or voting.
Section 4: Other members. Ex-officio, non-voting members may include others selected by the GICC.

Public Information

Section 1: The Chairperson or his/her designee shall be the only individual authorized to speak publicly or correspond for the Guam Interagency Coordinating Council and then only as it relates to GICC actions.


Section 1: Failure to attend 3 (unexcused) consecutive meetings within one year shall result in review by the Executive Committee for possible recommendation for termination. The Chairperson and vice chairperson shall make a joint recommendation to the Governor.
Section 2: A Council member may resign, be removed from the Council, or become ineligible to serve due to her/his loss of qualification as set out in these by-laws.
Section 3: Resignations shall be submitted in writing to the Governor and the Chairperson.
Section 4: Recommendation to fill a vacant position shall be addressed through the membership procedures in Article IV.


Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3-majority vote of GICC members present at a regularly scheduled or special and publicized meeting of the GICC.
Section 2: Proposed amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the members at least 30 days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.

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